Thursday, March 13, 2008

Selfish hhmm???

OK so for 3 of the last 5 days Quinlan has NOT taken a nap! This time changing business kinda sucks. I'm not ready for him to give up nap time yet ): that is the only time of the entire day when I would have quiet time! I'm being a bit selfish, I know, I am aware of that! But really it kinda means that my baby boy is growing up and for that I AM NOT ready! YIKES!! I am really gonna miss those 3 hours of peacefulness! WAAH (Don't worry I'm not ignoring my girls they are at school for the majority of the time!) (:


Lish Fish said...

That was HUGE for me! I am soo sorry! I love nap time, it keeps me sane. Instead of nap time, we have "rest time" still where they can watch a movie or something while in bed, sometimes on in my room...but occassionally I get lucky and they crash!!! At least it is a break...good luck!!