Monday, February 25, 2008

sick of.....

OK so this weekend was kinda rough. Mike and I had decided to pretend that we are broke so we wouldn't go out to eat....well it worked! But honestly I really think it was only because Quinlan was sick!! He didn't eat and rarely drank for 2 and 1/2 days. I was worried sick about him cuz his diapers weren't very wet. Well he never got the dried up lips and cheeks like my girls did when they were dehydrated and he seemed to be sleeping well so when he woke up this morning he jumped and ran outta his room, like he hadn't thrown up or even had a fever the night before! So I kept my fingers crossed that he would have a good day today. And so far so good!! (: Still not a whole lot of eating but he has had 3 or 4 cups of juice and water so YIPPEE!!