Monday, November 19, 2007


Need I say more? holy cow, I hate this time of the year, money wise anyway! Well I just started working more hours so I could earn some spending $$ for Christmas and to also finish paying off the girls' tonsil bills, right?? Well I called to get our furnace green stickered and the furnace man takes one look at our furnace and is wondering why none of us are dead! AAH Considering our furnace is apparently 50-60 years old, he said that there wasn't an intake (blah blah blah, it goes right over my head) so all of the bad air is recycling through our house!? Oh and our gas valve was broken and our furnace is so old they don't even make that brand anymore so guess what?? And that our old furnace was only like 40-50% efficient. So half of what we've paid for in the last 6 years has gone straight outside! Kinda makes me angry butta...whatya do? Oh thats right..... WE HAVE TO FORK OUT $1400 FOR A NEW FURNACE! OH Did I mention that Christmas is almost 1 month away and the girls are at a stage that both Mike and I are stumped on what to get them so we were thinking a four wheeler! Well I think we've thrown that out the I hope Santa shows up this year!!!


Christina said...

Oh yeah...I'm right there with ya girly!! We have ZERO money...and I mean ZERO!! Ritchie's job was crap so he had to quit right after Grayson was born, and his new job is slow no $$ is comin' in right now. GOOD TIMES!! Santa won't be coming to our house this's a good thing our kids are still young and they won't remember that they got totally shafted at Christmas!! :(

That is soooo scary about your furnace!! Holy cow! You guys are lucky! That sucks you have to get a new one...but safer for all of you right???? I hope things start lookin' up for BOTH of us!!