The minute I met Mike I knew there was something about him. We have been married for 10 and 1/2 years. We've shared our ups and downs. And I can honestly say that I couldn't imagine my life without him! He his such a strong soul! He is my everything. He is a fun and caring Dad! Once you get past the outer shell he really is a softy!! I love you...love!!
What is his name? Micheal Patrick O'Neal
How long have you been married? 11 years in July!! Yikes
How long did you date? 10 months 0:
How old is he? 30 ha ha
Who eats more? OMG We'd go broke if I didn't have a job, trying to feed this man! HA HA
Who said "I love you first"? Umm... probably me
Who is taller? Well I can still wear heels and be about the same height. So he is (barely)
Who sings better? I can't sing....and he only sings to entertain the kids so.....ask them!!
Whose temper is worse? OK Really do you know Micheal??? HIS FOR SURE!!
Who does the laundry? Actually we both do!
Who does the dishes? ME
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Laying in bed, I do.
Who mows the lawn? Well if it grows...I usually do and he weed whacks!!
Who pays the bills? Me....he doesn't need any more stress than he already has! Nor do we LOL!!
Who cooks dinner? Well every other week I have to. (When he is on swings) But the week he is home he'll usually cook one meal!! But really only because he doesn't want what I was going to cook!!
Who drives when you are together? Well it really depends on who buckles Quinlan cuz his carseat is on that side! (: We are way over the formalities of having the "man" drive!
Who is more stubborn? Honestly this may surprise a few of you butta ME!! HA HA
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? We have both learned to be good about this so both of us!
Whose parents do you see the most? Probably mine. Even though his live a few blocks away. My dad can't go more than a few days without at least talking to Magoo, McGillicutty, and Rastus!! Those are his nicknames for my kiddos!! Cute huh?
Who proposed? He did. We both know now that it was a now or never kinda thing! I was goin off to school and we wouldn't have waited for one another! God works in mysterious ways!?
Who has more friends? We have alot of acquaintences butta it takes a whole lotta effort in to being an actual TRUE friend but i'd have to say that I do! Luv ya Buffie and Dawn and Maggie and Alaina!!
Who has more siblings? Me....I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. Him....1 brother and 2 sisters!
Who wears the pants in the family? Well Mike is man enough to admit that I do! LOL!!
And I am tagging....Christina and Ashlee and everyone else has already been tagged.
Look at you with your cute background. Good job! Love the stories, you and Mike crack me up. Sometimes when it is meant to be...it is. Just as simple as that.
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